NPI is now ReCENT
The Nuclear Power Institute (NPI) is now the Renewable Clean Energies and Nuclear Technologies (ReCENT) Workforce Development Program dedicated to developing the necessary workforce in nuclear applications, clean energies, and manufacturing in Texas.
ReCENT: more than a renaming
This marks a strategic step forward to align with our evolving mission. ReCENT remains dedicated to fostering partnerships and developing impactful programs for young people and educators, aimed at cultivating a skilled workforce in clean energies and nuclear technologies. Our goal is to support and sustain a dynamic clean energy industry in Texas.
Building upon NPI’s established foundation, ReCENT will expand its educational focus to encompass a broader range of clean energy technologies and programming beyond PK-12 initiatives into the non-academic training arena. This approach strengthens our ability to attract and prepare the next generation of energy professionals, crucial to the future of sustainable energy in our state.
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Our Mission
ReCENT engages educators and young people to develop the necessary workforce in nuclear applications, clean energies, and manufacturing in Texas to sustain a vibrant new, clean industry in the state. Our partners include educators, universities, community colleges, the nuclear sector, state agencies and local organizations.